Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Christmas Dance

William went to a dance this past weekend. He went by himself - a live and learn situation. He looked so handsome.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Putting Christmas away

That is what we are doing today. Anna said this is her least favorite thing to do. It is the mark of the end of the season. The house looks bare after everything is put away.

I am one to do a lot of organizing the week after Christmas. Win says I throw too much out. I say he doesn't throw enough away. I like to start the new year off with a clean, clutter free home.

I love our children being home during the holidays. There is a closeness with my three children that I feel during this time. I know this season of life is coming to an end. William has 2 1/2 years left before he, Lord willing, heads off to college. Our holidays will take a turn when that happens.

Our cats will also be sad that Christmas is being up away. They have loved our tree. They don't climb up the tree but they play under the tree and run around the tree. It has been fun watching them. When gifts started going under the tree they all started, except for our oldest cat, sleeping under the tree. I guess they liked the crowed feeling under the tree.

My prayer for my family is that we keep the meaning of Christmas close by in our thoughts and our actions. I pray we remember that through the humility of a poor and lowly birth came our salvation and eternal life with Christ.

Saturday, December 27, 2008


I am about give out!! We have had people at our house for several days. Part of my family on Christmas morning, Win's family on Christmas night and my whole extended family last night. I plan on doing nothing today. We are going to eat left overs for several days. I am back to counting points and pray that I didn't gain any weight. My walking partner is out of town starting today and into next week so I am alone in exercising. I think I will ride Win's bike around our neighborhood. 50 pounds here I come!

I think My Menagerie had a nice Christmas. We really don't mind giving them several things at Christmas because Win and I are not one to give them things throughout the year. I told each one that we would do some clothes shopping after the holiday. I think that will wait until next week.

William, our oldest has a dance he is going to tonight. He dragged his feet on asking someone and now he is going alone. Win and I gave him a time table in asking someone and he let that pass without a date. He did ask one young lady but she said she and her parents had decided that she would not attend. This decision was already made before he asked her. I think he was slack on this matter because the one girl he really wanted to take to the dance is out of town this weekend. Live and learn, that is what he is doing.

I am going to get Win to help me with learning how to post the pictures. Thanks MK for the instructions. So then all the photos I have of my Menagerie in my camera can be posted.

Thursday, December 25, 2008


I grew up being raised by my mother. My parents divorced when I was 4 years old and my mother went to work. She worked most Christmas' while I was growing up and so my brother and I often spent that day at home. I have 5 siblings but by the time I was in elementary school the olders ones were all out of the house. We would open presents before Mother went to work and then Rip. my youngest brother and I were left on our own.

So, when Win and I started our life together, we want to really start some traditions. The first 5 years of our marriages were spent traveling on or around Christmas day. The first 2 Christmas' we were stationed in Clovis, New Mexico and we came to Alabama for Christmas. The next 3 Christmas' were spent in Izmir, Turkey. The last Christmas we were in Turkey we decided to go see some friends in Germany. We flew there on Christmas day.

Then came children after 5 years of marriage. We now celebrate Christmas by having Advent each night leading up to Christmas. On Christmas morning we have to have Advent and light the Christ candle before any presents can be opened. We also spend Christmas Eve by going to church and have a meal here. My menagerie like for me to make a Pork Tenderloin, Rice Pilaf and Broccoli. We did that last night.

We have a meal with each side of the family at some point. Tonight Win's family and tomorrow my family.

I love the traditions we have made for our children. They love the traditions. I was thinking yesterday about these traditions and wondered what my children will carry with them to their families one day.

Merry Christmas.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


I know, I know, I have been terrible about updating this blog. I promise I will do better. Maybe someone can help me learn how to post pictures. That would really motivate me.

Well, it is Christmas Eve. Here is the plans of my Menagerie. Today I am cooking for tomorrow and getting ready for tonight. Our church, Trinity Presbyterian ( holds two Christmas Eve services. Since I sing in the choir, I signed up to sing the 6:00 service. There is also a 4:00 service. I have to be there around 5:15. After church we will come home and have dinner. We started this tradition a few years ago and my children love it. I cook a pork tenderloin, Near East rice pilaf and fresh broccoli. The kids drink sparkling cider and Win and I have a nice glass of wine. I also made a cake last night and we will have that for dessert. We lite candles in the dinning room and turn out all other lights. Dinner by candle lite.

Tomorrow one of my older brothers, Renny and my mother will come for breakfast and Win's family will join us for Christmas dinner tomorrow night. I will cook a Prime rib roast. On Friday night my side of family will come for dinner.

All my shopping is done and just about all the wrapping is done as well. I hate to wrap.

So, let the celebrating begin. I have a plan for my eating - I am not going to count points tomorrow and watch what I eat on Friday night. I am now down 44 pounds. I had hope to be at 50 by January 1 but I think that won't happen and I am OK with that. Maybe if someone helps me learn about posting pictures I can post my before picture and post a new picture now.

So, Merry Christmas to all.

Monday, December 8, 2008

39 pounds

13 weeks ago I began my journey to lose 100 pounds. I am doing Weight Watchers and walking. I have a friend who is also doing this with me and we are holding each other accountable. We have had moments of frustration and elation and we have walked many a mile. But the pounds are coming off.

I didn't really realize how bad my weight had gotten until I saw a picture of myself and I went to the doctor. All my numbers were good but my doctor was very honest with me and told me that my numbers would not stay good. In the coming few years I would be dealing with some serious health issues. She was my wake up call.

This morning when I did my weekly weight in and I reached the 39 pound mark. I am very excited. I would love to reach 50 by January 1 but I am not going to be disappointed if that doesn't happen. That goal will come in its due time.

This whole process has been a family affair. My children and husband have cheered me on, encouraged me and watched me as I have measured my food. They are happy for me and I like having them with me on this journey. That is what family are for - to hold each other up and see each other through.

So on this cold Alabama morning after I take the Menagerie to school I will meet my friend at the park to walk. She is good therapy for me.

Saturday, December 6, 2008


OK, I will admit it. We only bought a digital camera this summer when Win was headed to China. I have hardly looked at it since much less learn how to do things with. So I started this blog and was able to download the first few pictures but grew very frustrated on Monday when I tried to post a picture of our cat Alton with the new scratching pad. I just about gave up blogging because of this. Maybe I will arrive with some patience and figure out how to post pictures.

In the mean time, my Menagerie has been busy. We took our newest kitten, Lucy to the vet and she had 3 shots. The vet said she would feel bad and boy was he right. She wanted nothing to do with no one and let us all know it by growling at us when we touched her. She is about 12 weeks old and weights 3.5 pounds.

Our oldest and dearest cat Calico, is looking terrible. She is almost 18. I took her to the vet a few weeks ago and he said she was fine just an old lady. We may go back and see the vet this coming week.

William, Davis and Anna are all playing in a Christmas recital today. William is playing his violin with a friend ours who is playing her flute. Davis and Anna will each play a piece of Christmas music on the piano. Our piano teacher always arranges a Christmas recital at an Assisted Living. William and Cary will also play their piece tomorrow night at our church.

So, I will take my frustrated self and go have another cup of coffee....

Monday, December 1, 2008

A New Toy

Today I had to go the pet store for crickets for Davis' lizard, a gecko. While there I bought a new scratch pad for the cats. It was as if they knew what I had in my arms when I walked in the door. Our youngest male cat, Alton, immediately took ownership of the pad. This pad is good, it comes with a bag of cat nip and the cats go crazy over it.